We also offer care for children under the age of two

We ensure their health, safety and well-being through the following:

  • We ensure that younger children have opportunities to have contact with older children whilst at nursery
  • Care will be taken to ensure that babies and toddlers do not have access to activities containing small pieces, which could be swallowed or otherwise injure the child
  • All equipment will be checked daily before the children access the area. This will include checking the stability of the cots and highchairs and ensuring restraints on the highchairs, pushchairs, and prams are intact and working
  • All doors are fitted with viewing panels and door finger-guards to ensure the safety of children
  • Babies and toddlers will have their nappies changed according to their individual needs and requirements by their key person wherever possible. Information will be shared between parents and the key person about nappy changing and toilet training in a way that suits the parents
  • Changing mats are wiped with anti-bacterial cleanser before and after each nappy change
  • Each baby must have his/her own bedding which will be washed at least weekly or when necessary
  • Cot mattresses must meet safety standards
  • Children under two years will not be given pillows, cot bumpers, or any soft furnishings in order to prevent the risk of suffocation
  • Children will not be left to sleep in pushchairs or baby bouncers as their backs are not fully supported by this equipment whilst sleeping
  • We follow all cot death guidelines and advise parents of this information. Babies will always be laid to sleep on their back, with their feet touching the foot of the cot
  • Sheets or thin blankets will come no higher than the baby’s shoulders, to prevent them from wriggling under the covers. We make sure the covers are securely tucked in so they cannot slip over the baby’s head
  • Cots will be checked before use to ensure no items are within reach i.e. hanging over or beside the cot (e.g. fly nets, cables)
  • All highchairs are fitted with restraints and used at all times. Children will never be left unattended in high chairs. Restraints will be removed and washed weekly or as needed
  • Babies will never be left propped up with bottles as it is both dangerous and inappropriate
  • Sleeping children will be supervised at all times
  • Checks on sleeping babies will be completed every 10 minutes. These are to be documented with the time and staff initials on the sleep check form
  • Staff should not change nappies whilst pregnant until a risk assessment has been discussed and conducted. Students will only change nappies with the support and close supervision of a qualified member of staff
  • Where food/milk is prepared for babies there is a separate area within the kitchen that is specifically designated for this preparation
  • Bottles of formula milk will only be made up as and when the child needs them. These should be cooled to below 21°C and tested with a sterilized thermometer to ensure they are an appropriate temperature for the child to drink safely
  • Following the Department of Health guidelines, we will only use recently boiled water to make formula bottles (left for no longer than 30 minutes to cool). We will not use cooled boiled water and reheat
  • Bottles and teats will be thoroughly cleaned with hot soapy water and sterilised after use (they will not be washed in the dishwasher)
  • Bottles will be disposed of after two hours
  • A designated area is available for mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies or express milk
  • Labeled mother’s breast milk will be stored in the fridge
  • If dummies are used they will be cleaned and sterilised. This also applies to dummies which have been dropped
  • All dummies will be stored in separate labeled containers to ensure no cross-contamination occurs
  • Sterilizers will be washed out and cleaned daily
  • Children will be transferred to the older age group when felt age/stage appropriate following the transition and settling procedures.

1 thought on “We also offer care for children under the age of two”

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