Key Persons

Kaneez Ur Rehman
Managing Director

Aisha Nafees
Center Manager

Minahil Ahmed
HR and Marketing Manager, Head Administrator
For the parents

The key worker approach provides the parents with a dedicated staff who fully understands the key factors of development, and the care needs of your child, this will give you the confidence to leave your child at Lemon Tree Nursery knowing they will be looked after and cared for in a way that is personalized to the information that you provided when making the gradual admission. Sharing the information with the key workers allows them to maintain a level of care and ensure collaborative partnership between the home and nursery setting.
Settling in

Here at Lemon Tree Pre-School, your child’s key worker will meet with you during your child’s “settling in sessions” During this time they will discuss with you, your child’s routines, their likes and dislikes, and any other key information to ensure that this is incorporated into the daily care of your child whilst. They are at the nursery for an effective and smooth transition. Each key person has a sound knowledge and range of skills to enable them in providing parents with advice, guidance support, and concern with nursery completing transitions on to school.
Your child’s key person

Your child’s key person will generally be the person who will welcome you and your child when you enter the nursery and support your child in settling into the session and if you have any questions, they can be the one to answer them for you. They will also be the main practitioner that will carry out your child’s care needs such as nappy changing etc. Any information shared with the parents is mainly either done by the key worker or the manager if needed. To ensure that there is a consistent continuity of care for all children here at Lemon Tree Preschool, each key worker also has a secondary key worker who will take on the role of the main key worker during periods of absence such as ill days and holidays. It is part of the key person’s role to ensure that their secondary key worker and other staff within the nursery are aware of their key children’s needs and have a strong relationship with the parents to enable clear communication and understanding.